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PAINTING | "Rhythm of the Night"

Rhythm of the Night

"Rhythm of the Night". Acrylic on MDF. 40 x 50 cm

"Rhythm of the Night" is a visual exploration of the wild energy of the night—a vibrant composition where movement and sensuality blend in a dance of colors and shapes. Painted with acrylic on MDF, this piece was born from spontaneous strokes, a raw pulse that captures the essence of dance and passion.

The human figures, caught in different dance poses, emerge from the initial chaos of the composition, evolving with each added layer of paint. Some took shape through instinct, while others followed preliminary sketches, but all of them come together in a rhythm where brushstrokes feel like choreography. Color flows quickly and freely, creating a sense of constant motion, as if the surface itself were pulsing to an unheard beat.

Beyond movement, the painting introduces a symbolic language that evokes the night as a space for desire, transformation, and ritual. The jaguar and the cobra embody instinct, transgression, and untamed energy. Strawberries, flowers, and grapes with wine hint at indulgence, the surrender of the senses, and the intoxication of pleasure. Every element is a metaphor for passion and the intensity of the moment—a celebration of the raw, electric atmosphere of the night.

As a whole, "Rhythm of the Night" is more than just a depiction of dance; it’s a reflection on the fleeting nature of pleasure and the constant pulse of existence. With a visual language full of energy and symbolism, the piece moves between the expressive and the dreamlike, inviting the viewer to dive into a world where the body and color take center stage in a never-ending ritual.


"Rhythm of the Night" es una exploración visual del frenesí nocturno, una composición vibrante donde el movimiento y la sensualidad se entrelazan en un juego de formas y colores. Realizada en acrílico sobre MDF, esta obra nace del gesto espontáneo, de trazos iniciales que emergen como una pulsación primitiva, evocando la energía cruda de la danza y la pasión.

Las figuras humanas, capturadas en diversas posturas de baile, surgen entre el caos inicial de la composición y evolucionan con cada nueva capa de pintura. Algunas nacen del impulso, otras de la reflexión previa en bocetos, pero todas convergen en un ritmo pictórico donde la pincelada se convierte en coreografía. El color, aplicado con rapidez y fluidez, construye una atmósfera de vibración constante, como si la superficie misma latiera al compás de una música silente.

Más allá de la representación del movimiento, la obra introduce una iconografía simbólica que remite a la noche como espacio de deseo, de transformación y de rito. El jaguar y la cobra evocan la fuerza instintiva, la transgresión y lo indomable. Las fresas, las flores y las uvas con vino aluden al hedonismo, a la entrega de los sentidos y al placer desbordado. Cada elemento es una metáfora del goce y la intensidad del instante, una celebración pictórica del erotismo y la exuberancia de la vida nocturna.

En su conjunto, "Rhythm of the Night" no es solo una representación visual del baile, sino una meditación sobre la naturaleza efímera del placer y la vibración constante de la existencia. A través de un lenguaje plástico cargado de energía y simbolismo, la obra se inscribe dentro de una tradición que oscila entre lo expresionista y lo onírico, invitando al espectador a sumergirse en un universo donde el cuerpo y el color son los protagonistas de un ritual perpetuo.

PAINTING | "Beach Day"

"Beach Day"
"Beach Day". Acrylic on MDF. 50 x 50 cm.

"Beach Day" is a painting where I wanted to capture what an ideal beach day could look like—fun and action-packed! It's a scene where beachgoers can surf and enjoy the waves, dive into the water, or just relax on the sand. Even something as quirky as wearing a shark-shaped floatie can be part of the fun.

This is an experimental piece created with acrylic paint. I explored how to play with form in a less literal way, especially when it comes to the landscape. The goal was to simplify it into a blend of lines and a burst of colors.

PAINTING | "Aesthetic Sea I"

Aesthetic Sea I Final Version

"Aesthetic Sea I". Acrylic on canvas. 100 x 65 cm

In Aesthetic Sea I, the sea becomes an exercise in abstraction and synthesis. Rather than representing waves in their natural form, I explored their essence through geometry and idealization. The painting embraces minimalism, reducing the ocean to its fundamental elements: movement, rhythm, and color. Blues and whites dominate the composition, not to imitate reality, but to evoke a sense of balance and calm. This is not a literal sea; it is a subjective interpretation—an aesthetic construct where nature meets reason, and emotion gives way to form.

PAINTING | "The Brando"

The Brando

"The Brando". Oil on canvas. 40 x 30 cm.

"The Brando" is an impressionist-style painting inspired by my desire to visit and experience a beautiful island in French Polynesia called "The Brando." Ever since I saw it online, I've been particularly drawn to its wild beauty. I imagined being there with a partner, never alone. 

I used various glazes, brushstrokes of all kinds and directions, and it's done in oil.

PAINTING | "Transmigration of Moebius"

Transmigration of Moebius R

"Transmigration of Moebius". Oil on canvas. 120 x 100 cm.

"Moebius Transmigration" is a painting created from various ideas gleaned from readings and informational videos or documentaries on Physics, Astronomy, Industry, and Science Fiction. The hypothetical Einstein-Rosen structure, also known as a "wormhole," posits the possibility of a curvature in spacetime that would allow the passage of matter and energy. The elephant figure is inspired by a popular belief in the United States that any infrastructure is considered well-built if an elephant can stand or pass over it. The human figures at the bottom correspond to the same idea, but applied to human travel. However, due to the possibility of errors, they could teleport with the risk of mutation.

PAINTING | "Time is Over"

"Time is over"

"Time is Over". Oil and Acrilyc on canvas. 75 x 50 cm.

"Time is Over" is a painting I created in December 2019, during a pretty tough personal time. About a year before, I had moved to the countryside, and during that period, I used to draw a lot at night. Especially on nights when there was no electricity, and solitude and silence were the absolute rulers. There was no music, no noise from the fridge—just, occasionally, the crackling of some insects against the windows or the flame of the candle that lit up my table, full of pencils, markers of all thicknesses and colors, pastel chalks, and oil pastels. I filled page after page with drawings until I turned some of them into paintings. One of those drawings became this painting full of reds, with an expressive face that conveys anguish, just as I felt at that time.


"Time is over" es una pintura creada en diciembre de 2019, durante una época personal bastante dura. Hace poco menos de un año que me había mudado al campo y durante aquel tiempo solía dibujar bastante durante las noches. Especialmente durante las noches en que no había electricidad y la soledad y el silencio eran los reyes absolutos. No había música, no había ruido de la refrigeradora, solo, de vez en cuando, se escuchaba el crepitar de algunos insectos contra las ventanas o contra la llama de la vela que iluminaba mi mesa llena de lápices, marcadores de todo grosor y colores, tiza pasteles y pasteles al óleo. Llenaba hojas y hojas de dibujos, hasta que algunos de ellos los fui convirtiendo en pinturas. Uno de aquellos dibujos devino en esta pintura llena de rojos, y un rostro expresivo que transmite angustia, tal y como me sentía en aquel momento.

PINTURA | "Loving Couple"

Loving Couple

"Loving Couple". Óleo sobre lienzo. 55 x 38 cm.

"Loving Couple" es un pintura figurativa de óleo sobre lienzo cuyo tema es la expresión de sentimientos o emociones de una pareja a través de la acción y del cuerpo, en un entorno que da la sensación de ser urbano, expresado pictóricamente a través de la abstracción.

Actualmente lo tengo expuesto para venta en la galería online

Loving Couple detail 1

Detalle de la pintura "Loving Couple".